Welcome to InfoMatters. The blog's title has two meanings. First, it is a general discussion of a wide variety of topics (matters) about information. Second, it emphasizes the importance of information in every sphere of life. Simply put, information matters!
Hints on searching Articles
Some articles may be restricted—viewable only to logged-in users with the appropriate Security Level.
You can narrow your search using one or all of six criteria:
Viewing the Results
In addition to the "Most Recent" and "Top Articles" lists, there are three Views of the searchable Article List: (where you are now):
Actions from the Article List
Actions from the Article (listing of Categories and Topics at top of Article)
Printing the List or individual Articles
Using Print this page at the upper left will print the content displayed in the Articles List or an individual Article, without any of the surrounding page elements. The filter form in the list view is replaced with a summary of the filter settings.
Please note: Using the "Print this page" option is highly recommended over the print options available through the Share utility (described below).
Additional Hint: On some smaller devices you may find it helpful to use the Print option to display a simpler content-only view. Depending on the device, you may not actually be able to print, but it may produce a view that is easier to read. You will need to close the print window to get back to the site navigation.
Sharing and Commenting on Article Lists and Individual Articles
There is a lot of discussion about the merits of commenting within a site. At this time we have decided not to integrate it into the site. The AddThis Share utility that appears at the upper left on the page as well as at the end of articles allows you to share the selected page through Facebook, Twitter, and more than 200 other social media services. Most of these options allow you to add comments.
You can also comment through the site's own social media connections, which are linked through the icons in the site masthead (only active social media accounts are shown).
Additional options for searching are coming...
95 posts found
COVID-19 Retrospective
by Stu Johnson
(May 12, 2023)
Now that COVID's status as a global pandemic has ended, I will take a retrospective look at how USA compared to other countries in this three-year-plus ordeal…
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2023
by Stu Johnson
(March 10, 2023)
February 2023 marks the three-year point in the COVID-19 pandemic, as long as 1918, but will it be as disastrous, and will it finally transitio to an endemic in year four?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2023
by Stu Johnson
(February 14, 2023)
Threats of a tripledemic and ever-more-contagious variants of COVID keep the pandemic alive, yet as death and hospitalization rates continue to go down, life has taken on a post-COVID tone. Where are we as the pandemic &hellapproaches the three year mark?
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2022
by Stu Johnson
(January 11, 2023)
Is it over? Afraid not. But behind the near-hysteria over a tripledemic and the latest COVID variant with the menacing name of Kracken there is still reason to be watchful. So, what in the world is going on with the pandemic that won't quit?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2022
by Stu Johnson
(December 13, 2022)
For most of us in America COVID seems more nuisance now than threat, but it continues to surge in the Far East and with winter approaching there are fears of a 'tripledemic'…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2022
by Stu Johnson
(November 14, 2022)
Are we there yet? While it seems we have turned the corner from pandemic to endemic, the global situation does not yet warrant that assessment—and the winter cold and flu season approaches in countries most impacted by COVID…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2022
by Stu Johnson
(September 7, 2022)
We'd like to think it's over, but new variants have led to recommendations for a second booster for many Americans—a tactic that has kept death rates down in other countries. So, no, we cannot dismiss it, nor stop reporting on it…
COVID-19 Perspectives for June 2022
by Stu Johnson
(July 12, 2022)
We may think it's over, but COVID continues its relentless spread, with more people becoming infected two or more times, though less likely leading to hospitalization and death as early in the pandemic…
COVID-19 Perspectives for May 2022
by Stu Johnson
(June 11, 2022)
COVID continues to shift toward Asia, Europe sees up to half of its population infected, while USA mortality rate stays stuck at 1.2% which is curious compared to falling mortality where surges have been strongest…
COVI-19 Perspectives for April 2022
by Stu Johnson
(May 20, 2022)
As more Asian countries face COVID surges, most of us in America know of or are part of the surge in breakthrough infections among the vaccinated, with mild symptoms and very low hospitalizations and deaths…
COVID-19 Perspectives for March 2022
by Stu Johnson
(April 6, 2022)
Omicron surge spreads around the world, making return to normal less clear. USA levels off after big spike in January, making a return to normal seem more likely, but are we moving too quickly? …
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2022
by Stu Johnson
(March 7, 2022)
Have we seen the last giant gasp of the COVID pandemic as it morphs into an endemic, or are we rushing too quickly to return to normal? What happens in March will answer that question…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2022
by Stu Johnson
(February 4, 2022)
Omicron causes seismic surge in cases, raising the societal toll, but the good news is that mortality rates (deaths as proportion of cases) continue to fall&hellip'
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2021
by Stu Johnson
(January 5, 2022)
Like a global game of Whack-a-Mole, omicron hits Europe hard, USA to a lesser extent, with minimal impact seen elsewhere so far in COVID statistics…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2021
by Stu Johnson
(December 3, 2021)
Europe takes the brunt of the latest surge, just as Omicron, another potentially dangerous variant, arrives to dampen the holiday season…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2021
by Stu Johnson
(November 4, 2021)
South America shows improvement while USA and most of the world show little sign of flattening the COVID curve…
COVID-19 Perspectives for September 2021
by Stu Johnson
(October 9, 2021)
The curve continues to go the wrong way for USA, while globally it is a mixed picture, but COVID is just not going away soon…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2021
by Stu Johnson
(September 8, 2021)
After nearly seven months of 'flattening the curve' for USA, the delta variant has made its presence known here and around the world, with tightened restrictions…
COVID-19 Perspectives for July 2021
by Stu Johnson
(August 5, 2021)
While only a blip at the end of July, the delta variant and high number of unvaccinated are putting a damper on the optimism felt a month ago…
Vaccine Resistance
by Stu Johnson
(July 17, 2021)
What Gallup polls in the last year tell us about American acceptance or reluctance to be vaccinated, and our ability to reach herd immunity to end to threat of COVID-19…
Most of the following were posted on SeniorLifestyle, which I edit. Links open in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism from Itself by David Brooks (New York Times)—A must-read analysis of the splintering of evangelicalism, driven by power and politics.… (February 3, 2022)
Love and Loss Among Older Adults by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Marriage, divorce, widowhood remain prevalent among older populations… (April 24, 2021)
Racism and Religion by Rusty Wright—Sanctified bigotry, or unity and diversity solutions?… (April 23, 2021)
What Are You Waiting For? by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—New tool from U.S. Census Bureau tracks COVID vaccinations and vaccination hesitancy rate… (April 16, 2021)
Medical Debt by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—How serious is it and who has the most?… (April 10, 2021)
Major League Baseball is Back by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Interesting facts and figures as all 30 teams scheduled for opening day games… (April 1, 2021)
Stimulus Check Myths, Debunked by Julia Glum / Money.com—Can the IRS take back your $1,400 payment . . . and other myths you may have heard… (March 19, 2021)
Truth Decay by David Gushee / Baptist News Service—Truth is interpersonal and covenantal… (January 30, 2021)
Flaming Emails and Comments by James N. Watkins—How to deal with them… (January 29, 2021)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Rules for Prorestors by James N. Watkins—Wisdom for such a time as this… (January 18, 2021)
Pandemic Anxiety and Depression Among Young Adults Living Alone by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Living alone has more impact on mental health of young adults than older adults… (January 15, 2021)
The Strain of Polarization by James N. Watkins—What happens when there is no middle ground… (November 14, 2020)
Divided by Politics by James N. Watkins—What would Jesus say to a Church divided by politics?… (October 30, 2020)
Taking the Election Personally by George Garrison—A call for humility and grace… (October 29, 2020)
Talking to People You Disagree With by Megan Phelps-Rope / TED ideas—4 tips to help bring civility to a polarized world… (September 12, 2020)
Un-Taming the Tension by George Garrison—Some tension can and should be held without causing major dissension… (September 3, 2020)
Profiles in Courage by Greg Asimakoupoulos—Celebrating the Women's Suffrage Movement… (August 22, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (5) by Rusty Wright—Abolishing the slave trade… (July 23, 2020)
White, "woke" . . . and "privileged" by James N. Watkins—Boyhood memories stir thoughts on racism and privilege today… (July 10, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (4) by Rusty Wright—"Amazing Grace" hymnwirter's racist past… (July 8, 2020)
Your Church May be Prejudiced by James N. Watkins—The top ten signs have not changed in twenty years… (June 26, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (3) by Rusty Wright—Starting with my own… (June 25, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (2) by Rusty Wright—Police brutality: Lessons from South Africa… (June 19, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts by Rusty Wright—Can it be done?… (June 15, 2020)
There are nearly 2,000 articles on SeniorLifestyle, going back to 2006. Go to the home page to see lists of current and most popular articles, or search through the entire collection.
Hints on searching Articles
Some articles may be restricted—viewable only to logged-in users with the appropriate Security Level.
You can narrow your search using one or all of six criteria:
Viewing the Results
In addition to the "Most Recent" and "Top Articles" lists, there are three Views of the searchable Article List: (where you are now):
Actions from the Article List
Actions from the Article (listing of Categories and Topics at top of Article)
Printing the List or individual Articles
Using Print this page at the upper left will print the content displayed in the Articles List or an individual Article, without any of the surrounding page elements. The filter form in the list view is replaced with a summary of the filter settings.
Please note: Using the "Print this page" option is highly recommended over the print options available through the Share utility (described below).
Additional Hint: On some smaller devices you may find it helpful to use the Print option to display a simpler content-only view. Depending on the device, you may not actually be able to print, but it may produce a view that is easier to read. You will need to close the print window to get back to the site navigation.
Sharing and Commenting on Article Lists and Individual Articles
There is a lot of discussion about the merits of commenting within a site. At this time we have decided not to integrate it into the site. The AddThis Share utility that appears at the upper left on the page as well as at the end of articles allows you to share the selected page through Facebook, Twitter, and more than 200 other social media services. Most of these options allow you to add comments.
You can also comment through the site's own social media connections, which are linked through the icons in the site masthead (only active social media accounts are shown).
Additional options for searching are coming...
95 posts found
COVID-19 Retrospective
by Stu Johnson
(May 12, 2023)
Now that COVID's status as a global pandemic has ended, I will take a retrospective look at how USA compared to other countries in this three-year-plus ordeal…
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2023
by Stu Johnson
(March 10, 2023)
February 2023 marks the three-year point in the COVID-19 pandemic, as long as 1918, but will it be as disastrous, and will it finally transitio to an endemic in year four?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2023
by Stu Johnson
(February 14, 2023)
Threats of a tripledemic and ever-more-contagious variants of COVID keep the pandemic alive, yet as death and hospitalization rates continue to go down, life has taken on a post-COVID tone. Where are we as the pandemic &hellapproaches the three year mark?
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2022
by Stu Johnson
(January 11, 2023)
Is it over? Afraid not. But behind the near-hysteria over a tripledemic and the latest COVID variant with the menacing name of Kracken there is still reason to be watchful. So, what in the world is going on with the pandemic that won't quit?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2022
by Stu Johnson
(December 13, 2022)
For most of us in America COVID seems more nuisance now than threat, but it continues to surge in the Far East and with winter approaching there are fears of a 'tripledemic'…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2022
by Stu Johnson
(November 14, 2022)
Are we there yet? While it seems we have turned the corner from pandemic to endemic, the global situation does not yet warrant that assessment—and the winter cold and flu season approaches in countries most impacted by COVID…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2022
by Stu Johnson
(September 7, 2022)
We'd like to think it's over, but new variants have led to recommendations for a second booster for many Americans—a tactic that has kept death rates down in other countries. So, no, we cannot dismiss it, nor stop reporting on it…
COVID-19 Perspectives for June 2022
by Stu Johnson
(July 12, 2022)
We may think it's over, but COVID continues its relentless spread, with more people becoming infected two or more times, though less likely leading to hospitalization and death as early in the pandemic…
COVID-19 Perspectives for May 2022
by Stu Johnson
(June 11, 2022)
COVID continues to shift toward Asia, Europe sees up to half of its population infected, while USA mortality rate stays stuck at 1.2% which is curious compared to falling mortality where surges have been strongest…
COVI-19 Perspectives for April 2022
by Stu Johnson
(May 20, 2022)
As more Asian countries face COVID surges, most of us in America know of or are part of the surge in breakthrough infections among the vaccinated, with mild symptoms and very low hospitalizations and deaths…
COVID-19 Perspectives for March 2022
by Stu Johnson
(April 6, 2022)
Omicron surge spreads around the world, making return to normal less clear. USA levels off after big spike in January, making a return to normal seem more likely, but are we moving too quickly? …
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2022
by Stu Johnson
(March 7, 2022)
Have we seen the last giant gasp of the COVID pandemic as it morphs into an endemic, or are we rushing too quickly to return to normal? What happens in March will answer that question…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2022
by Stu Johnson
(February 4, 2022)
Omicron causes seismic surge in cases, raising the societal toll, but the good news is that mortality rates (deaths as proportion of cases) continue to fall&hellip'
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2021
by Stu Johnson
(January 5, 2022)
Like a global game of Whack-a-Mole, omicron hits Europe hard, USA to a lesser extent, with minimal impact seen elsewhere so far in COVID statistics…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2021
by Stu Johnson
(December 3, 2021)
Europe takes the brunt of the latest surge, just as Omicron, another potentially dangerous variant, arrives to dampen the holiday season…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2021
by Stu Johnson
(November 4, 2021)
South America shows improvement while USA and most of the world show little sign of flattening the COVID curve…
COVID-19 Perspectives for September 2021
by Stu Johnson
(October 9, 2021)
The curve continues to go the wrong way for USA, while globally it is a mixed picture, but COVID is just not going away soon…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2021
by Stu Johnson
(September 8, 2021)
After nearly seven months of 'flattening the curve' for USA, the delta variant has made its presence known here and around the world, with tightened restrictions…
COVID-19 Perspectives for July 2021
by Stu Johnson
(August 5, 2021)
While only a blip at the end of July, the delta variant and high number of unvaccinated are putting a damper on the optimism felt a month ago…
Vaccine Resistance
by Stu Johnson
(July 17, 2021)
What Gallup polls in the last year tell us about American acceptance or reluctance to be vaccinated, and our ability to reach herd immunity to end to threat of COVID-19…
Most of the following were posted on SeniorLifestyle, which I edit. Links open in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism from Itself by David Brooks (New York Times)—A must-read analysis of the splintering of evangelicalism, driven by power and politics.… (February 3, 2022)
Love and Loss Among Older Adults by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Marriage, divorce, widowhood remain prevalent among older populations… (April 24, 2021)
Racism and Religion by Rusty Wright—Sanctified bigotry, or unity and diversity solutions?… (April 23, 2021)
What Are You Waiting For? by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—New tool from U.S. Census Bureau tracks COVID vaccinations and vaccination hesitancy rate… (April 16, 2021)
Medical Debt by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—How serious is it and who has the most?… (April 10, 2021)
Major League Baseball is Back by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Interesting facts and figures as all 30 teams scheduled for opening day games… (April 1, 2021)
Stimulus Check Myths, Debunked by Julia Glum / Money.com—Can the IRS take back your $1,400 payment . . . and other myths you may have heard… (March 19, 2021)
Truth Decay by David Gushee / Baptist News Service—Truth is interpersonal and covenantal… (January 30, 2021)
Flaming Emails and Comments by James N. Watkins—How to deal with them… (January 29, 2021)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Rules for Prorestors by James N. Watkins—Wisdom for such a time as this… (January 18, 2021)
Pandemic Anxiety and Depression Among Young Adults Living Alone by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Living alone has more impact on mental health of young adults than older adults… (January 15, 2021)
The Strain of Polarization by James N. Watkins—What happens when there is no middle ground… (November 14, 2020)
Divided by Politics by James N. Watkins—What would Jesus say to a Church divided by politics?… (October 30, 2020)
Taking the Election Personally by George Garrison—A call for humility and grace… (October 29, 2020)
Talking to People You Disagree With by Megan Phelps-Rope / TED ideas—4 tips to help bring civility to a polarized world… (September 12, 2020)
Un-Taming the Tension by George Garrison—Some tension can and should be held without causing major dissension… (September 3, 2020)
Profiles in Courage by Greg Asimakoupoulos—Celebrating the Women's Suffrage Movement… (August 22, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (5) by Rusty Wright—Abolishing the slave trade… (July 23, 2020)
White, "woke" . . . and "privileged" by James N. Watkins—Boyhood memories stir thoughts on racism and privilege today… (July 10, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (4) by Rusty Wright—"Amazing Grace" hymnwirter's racist past… (July 8, 2020)
Your Church May be Prejudiced by James N. Watkins—The top ten signs have not changed in twenty years… (June 26, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (3) by Rusty Wright—Starting with my own… (June 25, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (2) by Rusty Wright—Police brutality: Lessons from South Africa… (June 19, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts by Rusty Wright—Can it be done?… (June 15, 2020)
There are nearly 2,000 articles on SeniorLifestyle, going back to 2006. Go to the home page to see lists of current and most popular articles, or search through the entire collection.
Just once in a while let us exalt the importance of ideas and information.
Welcome to InfoMatters. The blog's title has two meanings. First, it is a general discussion of a wide variety of topics (matters) about information. Second, it emphasizes the importance of information in every sphere of life. Simply put, information matters!
Hints on searching Articles
Some articles may be restricted—viewable only to logged-in users with the appropriate Security Level.
You can narrow your search using one or all of six criteria:
Viewing the Results
In addition to the "Most Recent" and "Top Articles" lists, there are three Views of the searchable Article List: (where you are now):
Actions from the Article List
Actions from the Article (listing of Categories and Topics at top of Article)
Printing the List or individual Articles
Using Print this page at the upper left will print the content displayed in the Articles List or an individual Article, without any of the surrounding page elements. The filter form in the list view is replaced with a summary of the filter settings.
Please note: Using the "Print this page" option is highly recommended over the print options available through the Share utility (described below).
Additional Hint: On some smaller devices you may find it helpful to use the Print option to display a simpler content-only view. Depending on the device, you may not actually be able to print, but it may produce a view that is easier to read. You will need to close the print window to get back to the site navigation.
Sharing and Commenting on Article Lists and Individual Articles
There is a lot of discussion about the merits of commenting within a site. At this time we have decided not to integrate it into the site. The AddThis Share utility that appears at the upper left on the page as well as at the end of articles allows you to share the selected page through Facebook, Twitter, and more than 200 other social media services. Most of these options allow you to add comments.
You can also comment through the site's own social media connections, which are linked through the icons in the site masthead (only active social media accounts are shown).
Additional options for searching are coming...
95 posts found
COVID-19 Retrospective
by Stu Johnson
(May 12, 2023)
Now that COVID's status as a global pandemic has ended, I will take a retrospective look at how USA compared to other countries in this three-year-plus ordeal…
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2023
by Stu Johnson
(March 10, 2023)
February 2023 marks the three-year point in the COVID-19 pandemic, as long as 1918, but will it be as disastrous, and will it finally transitio to an endemic in year four?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2023
by Stu Johnson
(February 14, 2023)
Threats of a tripledemic and ever-more-contagious variants of COVID keep the pandemic alive, yet as death and hospitalization rates continue to go down, life has taken on a post-COVID tone. Where are we as the pandemic &hellapproaches the three year mark?
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2022
by Stu Johnson
(January 11, 2023)
Is it over? Afraid not. But behind the near-hysteria over a tripledemic and the latest COVID variant with the menacing name of Kracken there is still reason to be watchful. So, what in the world is going on with the pandemic that won't quit?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2022
by Stu Johnson
(December 13, 2022)
For most of us in America COVID seems more nuisance now than threat, but it continues to surge in the Far East and with winter approaching there are fears of a 'tripledemic'…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2022
by Stu Johnson
(November 14, 2022)
Are we there yet? While it seems we have turned the corner from pandemic to endemic, the global situation does not yet warrant that assessment—and the winter cold and flu season approaches in countries most impacted by COVID…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2022
by Stu Johnson
(September 7, 2022)
We'd like to think it's over, but new variants have led to recommendations for a second booster for many Americans—a tactic that has kept death rates down in other countries. So, no, we cannot dismiss it, nor stop reporting on it…
COVID-19 Perspectives for June 2022
by Stu Johnson
(July 12, 2022)
We may think it's over, but COVID continues its relentless spread, with more people becoming infected two or more times, though less likely leading to hospitalization and death as early in the pandemic…
COVID-19 Perspectives for May 2022
by Stu Johnson
(June 11, 2022)
COVID continues to shift toward Asia, Europe sees up to half of its population infected, while USA mortality rate stays stuck at 1.2% which is curious compared to falling mortality where surges have been strongest…
COVI-19 Perspectives for April 2022
by Stu Johnson
(May 20, 2022)
As more Asian countries face COVID surges, most of us in America know of or are part of the surge in breakthrough infections among the vaccinated, with mild symptoms and very low hospitalizations and deaths…
COVID-19 Perspectives for March 2022
by Stu Johnson
(April 6, 2022)
Omicron surge spreads around the world, making return to normal less clear. USA levels off after big spike in January, making a return to normal seem more likely, but are we moving too quickly? …
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2022
by Stu Johnson
(March 7, 2022)
Have we seen the last giant gasp of the COVID pandemic as it morphs into an endemic, or are we rushing too quickly to return to normal? What happens in March will answer that question…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2022
by Stu Johnson
(February 4, 2022)
Omicron causes seismic surge in cases, raising the societal toll, but the good news is that mortality rates (deaths as proportion of cases) continue to fall&hellip'
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2021
by Stu Johnson
(January 5, 2022)
Like a global game of Whack-a-Mole, omicron hits Europe hard, USA to a lesser extent, with minimal impact seen elsewhere so far in COVID statistics…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2021
by Stu Johnson
(December 3, 2021)
Europe takes the brunt of the latest surge, just as Omicron, another potentially dangerous variant, arrives to dampen the holiday season…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2021
by Stu Johnson
(November 4, 2021)
South America shows improvement while USA and most of the world show little sign of flattening the COVID curve…
COVID-19 Perspectives for September 2021
by Stu Johnson
(October 9, 2021)
The curve continues to go the wrong way for USA, while globally it is a mixed picture, but COVID is just not going away soon…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2021
by Stu Johnson
(September 8, 2021)
After nearly seven months of 'flattening the curve' for USA, the delta variant has made its presence known here and around the world, with tightened restrictions…
COVID-19 Perspectives for July 2021
by Stu Johnson
(August 5, 2021)
While only a blip at the end of July, the delta variant and high number of unvaccinated are putting a damper on the optimism felt a month ago…
Vaccine Resistance
by Stu Johnson
(July 17, 2021)
What Gallup polls in the last year tell us about American acceptance or reluctance to be vaccinated, and our ability to reach herd immunity to end to threat of COVID-19…
Most of the following were posted on SeniorLifestyle, which I edit. Links open in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism from Itself by David Brooks (New York Times)—A must-read analysis of the splintering of evangelicalism, driven by power and politics.… (February 3, 2022)
Love and Loss Among Older Adults by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Marriage, divorce, widowhood remain prevalent among older populations… (April 24, 2021)
Racism and Religion by Rusty Wright—Sanctified bigotry, or unity and diversity solutions?… (April 23, 2021)
What Are You Waiting For? by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—New tool from U.S. Census Bureau tracks COVID vaccinations and vaccination hesitancy rate… (April 16, 2021)
Medical Debt by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—How serious is it and who has the most?… (April 10, 2021)
Major League Baseball is Back by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Interesting facts and figures as all 30 teams scheduled for opening day games… (April 1, 2021)
Stimulus Check Myths, Debunked by Julia Glum / Money.com—Can the IRS take back your $1,400 payment . . . and other myths you may have heard… (March 19, 2021)
Truth Decay by David Gushee / Baptist News Service—Truth is interpersonal and covenantal… (January 30, 2021)
Flaming Emails and Comments by James N. Watkins—How to deal with them… (January 29, 2021)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Rules for Prorestors by James N. Watkins—Wisdom for such a time as this… (January 18, 2021)
Pandemic Anxiety and Depression Among Young Adults Living Alone by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Living alone has more impact on mental health of young adults than older adults… (January 15, 2021)
The Strain of Polarization by James N. Watkins—What happens when there is no middle ground… (November 14, 2020)
Divided by Politics by James N. Watkins—What would Jesus say to a Church divided by politics?… (October 30, 2020)
Taking the Election Personally by George Garrison—A call for humility and grace… (October 29, 2020)
Talking to People You Disagree With by Megan Phelps-Rope / TED ideas—4 tips to help bring civility to a polarized world… (September 12, 2020)
Un-Taming the Tension by George Garrison—Some tension can and should be held without causing major dissension… (September 3, 2020)
Profiles in Courage by Greg Asimakoupoulos—Celebrating the Women's Suffrage Movement… (August 22, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (5) by Rusty Wright—Abolishing the slave trade… (July 23, 2020)
White, "woke" . . . and "privileged" by James N. Watkins—Boyhood memories stir thoughts on racism and privilege today… (July 10, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (4) by Rusty Wright—"Amazing Grace" hymnwirter's racist past… (July 8, 2020)
Your Church May be Prejudiced by James N. Watkins—The top ten signs have not changed in twenty years… (June 26, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (3) by Rusty Wright—Starting with my own… (June 25, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (2) by Rusty Wright—Police brutality: Lessons from South Africa… (June 19, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts by Rusty Wright—Can it be done?… (June 15, 2020)
There are nearly 2,000 articles on SeniorLifestyle, going back to 2006. Go to the home page to see lists of current and most popular articles, or search through the entire collection.
Hints on searching Articles
Some articles may be restricted—viewable only to logged-in users with the appropriate Security Level.
You can narrow your search using one or all of six criteria:
Viewing the Results
In addition to the "Most Recent" and "Top Articles" lists, there are three Views of the searchable Article List: (where you are now):
Actions from the Article List
Actions from the Article (listing of Categories and Topics at top of Article)
Printing the List or individual Articles
Using Print this page at the upper left will print the content displayed in the Articles List or an individual Article, without any of the surrounding page elements. The filter form in the list view is replaced with a summary of the filter settings.
Please note: Using the "Print this page" option is highly recommended over the print options available through the Share utility (described below).
Additional Hint: On some smaller devices you may find it helpful to use the Print option to display a simpler content-only view. Depending on the device, you may not actually be able to print, but it may produce a view that is easier to read. You will need to close the print window to get back to the site navigation.
Sharing and Commenting on Article Lists and Individual Articles
There is a lot of discussion about the merits of commenting within a site. At this time we have decided not to integrate it into the site. The AddThis Share utility that appears at the upper left on the page as well as at the end of articles allows you to share the selected page through Facebook, Twitter, and more than 200 other social media services. Most of these options allow you to add comments.
You can also comment through the site's own social media connections, which are linked through the icons in the site masthead (only active social media accounts are shown).
Additional options for searching are coming...
95 posts found
COVID-19 Retrospective
by Stu Johnson
(May 12, 2023)
Now that COVID's status as a global pandemic has ended, I will take a retrospective look at how USA compared to other countries in this three-year-plus ordeal…
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2023
by Stu Johnson
(March 10, 2023)
February 2023 marks the three-year point in the COVID-19 pandemic, as long as 1918, but will it be as disastrous, and will it finally transitio to an endemic in year four?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2023
by Stu Johnson
(February 14, 2023)
Threats of a tripledemic and ever-more-contagious variants of COVID keep the pandemic alive, yet as death and hospitalization rates continue to go down, life has taken on a post-COVID tone. Where are we as the pandemic &hellapproaches the three year mark?
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2022
by Stu Johnson
(January 11, 2023)
Is it over? Afraid not. But behind the near-hysteria over a tripledemic and the latest COVID variant with the menacing name of Kracken there is still reason to be watchful. So, what in the world is going on with the pandemic that won't quit?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2022
by Stu Johnson
(December 13, 2022)
For most of us in America COVID seems more nuisance now than threat, but it continues to surge in the Far East and with winter approaching there are fears of a 'tripledemic'…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2022
by Stu Johnson
(November 14, 2022)
Are we there yet? While it seems we have turned the corner from pandemic to endemic, the global situation does not yet warrant that assessment—and the winter cold and flu season approaches in countries most impacted by COVID…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2022
by Stu Johnson
(September 7, 2022)
We'd like to think it's over, but new variants have led to recommendations for a second booster for many Americans—a tactic that has kept death rates down in other countries. So, no, we cannot dismiss it, nor stop reporting on it…
COVID-19 Perspectives for June 2022
by Stu Johnson
(July 12, 2022)
We may think it's over, but COVID continues its relentless spread, with more people becoming infected two or more times, though less likely leading to hospitalization and death as early in the pandemic…
COVID-19 Perspectives for May 2022
by Stu Johnson
(June 11, 2022)
COVID continues to shift toward Asia, Europe sees up to half of its population infected, while USA mortality rate stays stuck at 1.2% which is curious compared to falling mortality where surges have been strongest…
COVI-19 Perspectives for April 2022
by Stu Johnson
(May 20, 2022)
As more Asian countries face COVID surges, most of us in America know of or are part of the surge in breakthrough infections among the vaccinated, with mild symptoms and very low hospitalizations and deaths…
COVID-19 Perspectives for March 2022
by Stu Johnson
(April 6, 2022)
Omicron surge spreads around the world, making return to normal less clear. USA levels off after big spike in January, making a return to normal seem more likely, but are we moving too quickly? …
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2022
by Stu Johnson
(March 7, 2022)
Have we seen the last giant gasp of the COVID pandemic as it morphs into an endemic, or are we rushing too quickly to return to normal? What happens in March will answer that question…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2022
by Stu Johnson
(February 4, 2022)
Omicron causes seismic surge in cases, raising the societal toll, but the good news is that mortality rates (deaths as proportion of cases) continue to fall&hellip'
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2021
by Stu Johnson
(January 5, 2022)
Like a global game of Whack-a-Mole, omicron hits Europe hard, USA to a lesser extent, with minimal impact seen elsewhere so far in COVID statistics…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2021
by Stu Johnson
(December 3, 2021)
Europe takes the brunt of the latest surge, just as Omicron, another potentially dangerous variant, arrives to dampen the holiday season…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2021
by Stu Johnson
(November 4, 2021)
South America shows improvement while USA and most of the world show little sign of flattening the COVID curve…
COVID-19 Perspectives for September 2021
by Stu Johnson
(October 9, 2021)
The curve continues to go the wrong way for USA, while globally it is a mixed picture, but COVID is just not going away soon…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2021
by Stu Johnson
(September 8, 2021)
After nearly seven months of 'flattening the curve' for USA, the delta variant has made its presence known here and around the world, with tightened restrictions…
COVID-19 Perspectives for July 2021
by Stu Johnson
(August 5, 2021)
While only a blip at the end of July, the delta variant and high number of unvaccinated are putting a damper on the optimism felt a month ago…
Vaccine Resistance
by Stu Johnson
(July 17, 2021)
What Gallup polls in the last year tell us about American acceptance or reluctance to be vaccinated, and our ability to reach herd immunity to end to threat of COVID-19…
Most of the following were posted on SeniorLifestyle, which I edit. Links open in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism from Itself by David Brooks (New York Times)—A must-read analysis of the splintering of evangelicalism, driven by power and politics.… (February 3, 2022)
Love and Loss Among Older Adults by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Marriage, divorce, widowhood remain prevalent among older populations… (April 24, 2021)
Racism and Religion by Rusty Wright—Sanctified bigotry, or unity and diversity solutions?… (April 23, 2021)
What Are You Waiting For? by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—New tool from U.S. Census Bureau tracks COVID vaccinations and vaccination hesitancy rate… (April 16, 2021)
Medical Debt by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—How serious is it and who has the most?… (April 10, 2021)
Major League Baseball is Back by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Interesting facts and figures as all 30 teams scheduled for opening day games… (April 1, 2021)
Stimulus Check Myths, Debunked by Julia Glum / Money.com—Can the IRS take back your $1,400 payment . . . and other myths you may have heard… (March 19, 2021)
Truth Decay by David Gushee / Baptist News Service—Truth is interpersonal and covenantal… (January 30, 2021)
Flaming Emails and Comments by James N. Watkins—How to deal with them… (January 29, 2021)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Rules for Prorestors by James N. Watkins—Wisdom for such a time as this… (January 18, 2021)
Pandemic Anxiety and Depression Among Young Adults Living Alone by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Living alone has more impact on mental health of young adults than older adults… (January 15, 2021)
The Strain of Polarization by James N. Watkins—What happens when there is no middle ground… (November 14, 2020)
Divided by Politics by James N. Watkins—What would Jesus say to a Church divided by politics?… (October 30, 2020)
Taking the Election Personally by George Garrison—A call for humility and grace… (October 29, 2020)
Talking to People You Disagree With by Megan Phelps-Rope / TED ideas—4 tips to help bring civility to a polarized world… (September 12, 2020)
Un-Taming the Tension by George Garrison—Some tension can and should be held without causing major dissension… (September 3, 2020)
Profiles in Courage by Greg Asimakoupoulos—Celebrating the Women's Suffrage Movement… (August 22, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (5) by Rusty Wright—Abolishing the slave trade… (July 23, 2020)
White, "woke" . . . and "privileged" by James N. Watkins—Boyhood memories stir thoughts on racism and privilege today… (July 10, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (4) by Rusty Wright—"Amazing Grace" hymnwirter's racist past… (July 8, 2020)
Your Church May be Prejudiced by James N. Watkins—The top ten signs have not changed in twenty years… (June 26, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (3) by Rusty Wright—Starting with my own… (June 25, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (2) by Rusty Wright—Police brutality: Lessons from South Africa… (June 19, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts by Rusty Wright—Can it be done?… (June 15, 2020)
There are nearly 2,000 articles on SeniorLifestyle, going back to 2006. Go to the home page to see lists of current and most popular articles, or search through the entire collection.
Welcome to InfoMatters. The blog's title has two meanings. First, it is a general discussion of a wide variety of topics (matters) about information. Second, it emphasizes the importance of information in every sphere of life. Simply put, information matters!
Hints on searching Articles
Some articles may be restricted—viewable only to logged-in users with the appropriate Security Level.
You can narrow your search using one or all of six criteria:
Viewing the Results
In addition to the "Most Recent" and "Top Articles" lists, there are three Views of the searchable Article List: (where you are now):
Actions from the Article List
Actions from the Article (listing of Categories and Topics at top of Article)
Printing the List or individual Articles
Using Print this page at the upper left will print the content displayed in the Articles List or an individual Article, without any of the surrounding page elements. The filter form in the list view is replaced with a summary of the filter settings.
Please note: Using the "Print this page" option is highly recommended over the print options available through the Share utility (described below).
Additional Hint: On some smaller devices you may find it helpful to use the Print option to display a simpler content-only view. Depending on the device, you may not actually be able to print, but it may produce a view that is easier to read. You will need to close the print window to get back to the site navigation.
Sharing and Commenting on Article Lists and Individual Articles
There is a lot of discussion about the merits of commenting within a site. At this time we have decided not to integrate it into the site. The AddThis Share utility that appears at the upper left on the page as well as at the end of articles allows you to share the selected page through Facebook, Twitter, and more than 200 other social media services. Most of these options allow you to add comments.
You can also comment through the site's own social media connections, which are linked through the icons in the site masthead (only active social media accounts are shown).
Additional options for searching are coming...
95 posts found
COVID-19 Retrospective
by Stu Johnson
(May 12, 2023)
Now that COVID's status as a global pandemic has ended, I will take a retrospective look at how USA compared to other countries in this three-year-plus ordeal…
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2023
by Stu Johnson
(March 10, 2023)
February 2023 marks the three-year point in the COVID-19 pandemic, as long as 1918, but will it be as disastrous, and will it finally transitio to an endemic in year four?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2023
by Stu Johnson
(February 14, 2023)
Threats of a tripledemic and ever-more-contagious variants of COVID keep the pandemic alive, yet as death and hospitalization rates continue to go down, life has taken on a post-COVID tone. Where are we as the pandemic &hellapproaches the three year mark?
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2022
by Stu Johnson
(January 11, 2023)
Is it over? Afraid not. But behind the near-hysteria over a tripledemic and the latest COVID variant with the menacing name of Kracken there is still reason to be watchful. So, what in the world is going on with the pandemic that won't quit?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2022
by Stu Johnson
(December 13, 2022)
For most of us in America COVID seems more nuisance now than threat, but it continues to surge in the Far East and with winter approaching there are fears of a 'tripledemic'…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2022
by Stu Johnson
(November 14, 2022)
Are we there yet? While it seems we have turned the corner from pandemic to endemic, the global situation does not yet warrant that assessment—and the winter cold and flu season approaches in countries most impacted by COVID…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2022
by Stu Johnson
(September 7, 2022)
We'd like to think it's over, but new variants have led to recommendations for a second booster for many Americans—a tactic that has kept death rates down in other countries. So, no, we cannot dismiss it, nor stop reporting on it…
COVID-19 Perspectives for June 2022
by Stu Johnson
(July 12, 2022)
We may think it's over, but COVID continues its relentless spread, with more people becoming infected two or more times, though less likely leading to hospitalization and death as early in the pandemic…
COVID-19 Perspectives for May 2022
by Stu Johnson
(June 11, 2022)
COVID continues to shift toward Asia, Europe sees up to half of its population infected, while USA mortality rate stays stuck at 1.2% which is curious compared to falling mortality where surges have been strongest…
COVI-19 Perspectives for April 2022
by Stu Johnson
(May 20, 2022)
As more Asian countries face COVID surges, most of us in America know of or are part of the surge in breakthrough infections among the vaccinated, with mild symptoms and very low hospitalizations and deaths…
COVID-19 Perspectives for March 2022
by Stu Johnson
(April 6, 2022)
Omicron surge spreads around the world, making return to normal less clear. USA levels off after big spike in January, making a return to normal seem more likely, but are we moving too quickly? …
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2022
by Stu Johnson
(March 7, 2022)
Have we seen the last giant gasp of the COVID pandemic as it morphs into an endemic, or are we rushing too quickly to return to normal? What happens in March will answer that question…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2022
by Stu Johnson
(February 4, 2022)
Omicron causes seismic surge in cases, raising the societal toll, but the good news is that mortality rates (deaths as proportion of cases) continue to fall&hellip'
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2021
by Stu Johnson
(January 5, 2022)
Like a global game of Whack-a-Mole, omicron hits Europe hard, USA to a lesser extent, with minimal impact seen elsewhere so far in COVID statistics…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2021
by Stu Johnson
(December 3, 2021)
Europe takes the brunt of the latest surge, just as Omicron, another potentially dangerous variant, arrives to dampen the holiday season…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2021
by Stu Johnson
(November 4, 2021)
South America shows improvement while USA and most of the world show little sign of flattening the COVID curve…
COVID-19 Perspectives for September 2021
by Stu Johnson
(October 9, 2021)
The curve continues to go the wrong way for USA, while globally it is a mixed picture, but COVID is just not going away soon…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2021
by Stu Johnson
(September 8, 2021)
After nearly seven months of 'flattening the curve' for USA, the delta variant has made its presence known here and around the world, with tightened restrictions…
COVID-19 Perspectives for July 2021
by Stu Johnson
(August 5, 2021)
While only a blip at the end of July, the delta variant and high number of unvaccinated are putting a damper on the optimism felt a month ago…
Vaccine Resistance
by Stu Johnson
(July 17, 2021)
What Gallup polls in the last year tell us about American acceptance or reluctance to be vaccinated, and our ability to reach herd immunity to end to threat of COVID-19…
Most of the following were posted on SeniorLifestyle, which I edit. Links open in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism from Itself by David Brooks (New York Times)—A must-read analysis of the splintering of evangelicalism, driven by power and politics.… (February 3, 2022)
Love and Loss Among Older Adults by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Marriage, divorce, widowhood remain prevalent among older populations… (April 24, 2021)
Racism and Religion by Rusty Wright—Sanctified bigotry, or unity and diversity solutions?… (April 23, 2021)
What Are You Waiting For? by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—New tool from U.S. Census Bureau tracks COVID vaccinations and vaccination hesitancy rate… (April 16, 2021)
Medical Debt by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—How serious is it and who has the most?… (April 10, 2021)
Major League Baseball is Back by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Interesting facts and figures as all 30 teams scheduled for opening day games… (April 1, 2021)
Stimulus Check Myths, Debunked by Julia Glum / Money.com—Can the IRS take back your $1,400 payment . . . and other myths you may have heard… (March 19, 2021)
Truth Decay by David Gushee / Baptist News Service—Truth is interpersonal and covenantal… (January 30, 2021)
Flaming Emails and Comments by James N. Watkins—How to deal with them… (January 29, 2021)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Rules for Prorestors by James N. Watkins—Wisdom for such a time as this… (January 18, 2021)
Pandemic Anxiety and Depression Among Young Adults Living Alone by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Living alone has more impact on mental health of young adults than older adults… (January 15, 2021)
The Strain of Polarization by James N. Watkins—What happens when there is no middle ground… (November 14, 2020)
Divided by Politics by James N. Watkins—What would Jesus say to a Church divided by politics?… (October 30, 2020)
Taking the Election Personally by George Garrison—A call for humility and grace… (October 29, 2020)
Talking to People You Disagree With by Megan Phelps-Rope / TED ideas—4 tips to help bring civility to a polarized world… (September 12, 2020)
Un-Taming the Tension by George Garrison—Some tension can and should be held without causing major dissension… (September 3, 2020)
Profiles in Courage by Greg Asimakoupoulos—Celebrating the Women's Suffrage Movement… (August 22, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (5) by Rusty Wright—Abolishing the slave trade… (July 23, 2020)
White, "woke" . . . and "privileged" by James N. Watkins—Boyhood memories stir thoughts on racism and privilege today… (July 10, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (4) by Rusty Wright—"Amazing Grace" hymnwirter's racist past… (July 8, 2020)
Your Church May be Prejudiced by James N. Watkins—The top ten signs have not changed in twenty years… (June 26, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (3) by Rusty Wright—Starting with my own… (June 25, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (2) by Rusty Wright—Police brutality: Lessons from South Africa… (June 19, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts by Rusty Wright—Can it be done?… (June 15, 2020)
There are nearly 2,000 articles on SeniorLifestyle, going back to 2006. Go to the home page to see lists of current and most popular articles, or search through the entire collection.
Hints on searching Articles
Some articles may be restricted—viewable only to logged-in users with the appropriate Security Level.
You can narrow your search using one or all of six criteria:
Viewing the Results
In addition to the "Most Recent" and "Top Articles" lists, there are three Views of the searchable Article List: (where you are now):
Actions from the Article List
Actions from the Article (listing of Categories and Topics at top of Article)
Printing the List or individual Articles
Using Print this page at the upper left will print the content displayed in the Articles List or an individual Article, without any of the surrounding page elements. The filter form in the list view is replaced with a summary of the filter settings.
Please note: Using the "Print this page" option is highly recommended over the print options available through the Share utility (described below).
Additional Hint: On some smaller devices you may find it helpful to use the Print option to display a simpler content-only view. Depending on the device, you may not actually be able to print, but it may produce a view that is easier to read. You will need to close the print window to get back to the site navigation.
Sharing and Commenting on Article Lists and Individual Articles
There is a lot of discussion about the merits of commenting within a site. At this time we have decided not to integrate it into the site. The AddThis Share utility that appears at the upper left on the page as well as at the end of articles allows you to share the selected page through Facebook, Twitter, and more than 200 other social media services. Most of these options allow you to add comments.
You can also comment through the site's own social media connections, which are linked through the icons in the site masthead (only active social media accounts are shown).
Additional options for searching are coming...
95 posts found
COVID-19 Retrospective
by Stu Johnson
(May 12, 2023)
Now that COVID's status as a global pandemic has ended, I will take a retrospective look at how USA compared to other countries in this three-year-plus ordeal…
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2023
by Stu Johnson
(March 10, 2023)
February 2023 marks the three-year point in the COVID-19 pandemic, as long as 1918, but will it be as disastrous, and will it finally transitio to an endemic in year four?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2023
by Stu Johnson
(February 14, 2023)
Threats of a tripledemic and ever-more-contagious variants of COVID keep the pandemic alive, yet as death and hospitalization rates continue to go down, life has taken on a post-COVID tone. Where are we as the pandemic &hellapproaches the three year mark?
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2022
by Stu Johnson
(January 11, 2023)
Is it over? Afraid not. But behind the near-hysteria over a tripledemic and the latest COVID variant with the menacing name of Kracken there is still reason to be watchful. So, what in the world is going on with the pandemic that won't quit?…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2022
by Stu Johnson
(December 13, 2022)
For most of us in America COVID seems more nuisance now than threat, but it continues to surge in the Far East and with winter approaching there are fears of a 'tripledemic'…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2022
by Stu Johnson
(November 14, 2022)
Are we there yet? While it seems we have turned the corner from pandemic to endemic, the global situation does not yet warrant that assessment—and the winter cold and flu season approaches in countries most impacted by COVID…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2022
by Stu Johnson
(September 7, 2022)
We'd like to think it's over, but new variants have led to recommendations for a second booster for many Americans—a tactic that has kept death rates down in other countries. So, no, we cannot dismiss it, nor stop reporting on it…
COVID-19 Perspectives for June 2022
by Stu Johnson
(July 12, 2022)
We may think it's over, but COVID continues its relentless spread, with more people becoming infected two or more times, though less likely leading to hospitalization and death as early in the pandemic…
COVID-19 Perspectives for May 2022
by Stu Johnson
(June 11, 2022)
COVID continues to shift toward Asia, Europe sees up to half of its population infected, while USA mortality rate stays stuck at 1.2% which is curious compared to falling mortality where surges have been strongest…
COVI-19 Perspectives for April 2022
by Stu Johnson
(May 20, 2022)
As more Asian countries face COVID surges, most of us in America know of or are part of the surge in breakthrough infections among the vaccinated, with mild symptoms and very low hospitalizations and deaths…
COVID-19 Perspectives for March 2022
by Stu Johnson
(April 6, 2022)
Omicron surge spreads around the world, making return to normal less clear. USA levels off after big spike in January, making a return to normal seem more likely, but are we moving too quickly? …
COVID-19 Perspectives for February 2022
by Stu Johnson
(March 7, 2022)
Have we seen the last giant gasp of the COVID pandemic as it morphs into an endemic, or are we rushing too quickly to return to normal? What happens in March will answer that question…
COVID-19 Perspectives for January 2022
by Stu Johnson
(February 4, 2022)
Omicron causes seismic surge in cases, raising the societal toll, but the good news is that mortality rates (deaths as proportion of cases) continue to fall&hellip'
COVID-19 Perspectives for December 2021
by Stu Johnson
(January 5, 2022)
Like a global game of Whack-a-Mole, omicron hits Europe hard, USA to a lesser extent, with minimal impact seen elsewhere so far in COVID statistics…
COVID-19 Perspectives for November 2021
by Stu Johnson
(December 3, 2021)
Europe takes the brunt of the latest surge, just as Omicron, another potentially dangerous variant, arrives to dampen the holiday season…
COVID-19 Perspectives for October 2021
by Stu Johnson
(November 4, 2021)
South America shows improvement while USA and most of the world show little sign of flattening the COVID curve…
COVID-19 Perspectives for September 2021
by Stu Johnson
(October 9, 2021)
The curve continues to go the wrong way for USA, while globally it is a mixed picture, but COVID is just not going away soon…
COVID-19 Perspectives for August 2021
by Stu Johnson
(September 8, 2021)
After nearly seven months of 'flattening the curve' for USA, the delta variant has made its presence known here and around the world, with tightened restrictions…
COVID-19 Perspectives for July 2021
by Stu Johnson
(August 5, 2021)
While only a blip at the end of July, the delta variant and high number of unvaccinated are putting a damper on the optimism felt a month ago…
Vaccine Resistance
by Stu Johnson
(July 17, 2021)
What Gallup polls in the last year tell us about American acceptance or reluctance to be vaccinated, and our ability to reach herd immunity to end to threat of COVID-19…
Most of the following were posted on SeniorLifestyle, which I edit. Links open in a new tab or window. Close it to return here.
The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism from Itself by David Brooks (New York Times)—A must-read analysis of the splintering of evangelicalism, driven by power and politics.… (February 3, 2022)
Love and Loss Among Older Adults by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Marriage, divorce, widowhood remain prevalent among older populations… (April 24, 2021)
Racism and Religion by Rusty Wright—Sanctified bigotry, or unity and diversity solutions?… (April 23, 2021)
What Are You Waiting For? by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—New tool from U.S. Census Bureau tracks COVID vaccinations and vaccination hesitancy rate… (April 16, 2021)
Medical Debt by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—How serious is it and who has the most?… (April 10, 2021)
Major League Baseball is Back by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Interesting facts and figures as all 30 teams scheduled for opening day games… (April 1, 2021)
Stimulus Check Myths, Debunked by Julia Glum / Money.com—Can the IRS take back your $1,400 payment . . . and other myths you may have heard… (March 19, 2021)
Truth Decay by David Gushee / Baptist News Service—Truth is interpersonal and covenantal… (January 30, 2021)
Flaming Emails and Comments by James N. Watkins—How to deal with them… (January 29, 2021)
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Rules for Prorestors by James N. Watkins—Wisdom for such a time as this… (January 18, 2021)
Pandemic Anxiety and Depression Among Young Adults Living Alone by U.S. Census Bureau Staff—Living alone has more impact on mental health of young adults than older adults… (January 15, 2021)
The Strain of Polarization by James N. Watkins—What happens when there is no middle ground… (November 14, 2020)
Divided by Politics by James N. Watkins—What would Jesus say to a Church divided by politics?… (October 30, 2020)
Taking the Election Personally by George Garrison—A call for humility and grace… (October 29, 2020)
Talking to People You Disagree With by Megan Phelps-Rope / TED ideas—4 tips to help bring civility to a polarized world… (September 12, 2020)
Un-Taming the Tension by George Garrison—Some tension can and should be held without causing major dissension… (September 3, 2020)
Profiles in Courage by Greg Asimakoupoulos—Celebrating the Women's Suffrage Movement… (August 22, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (5) by Rusty Wright—Abolishing the slave trade… (July 23, 2020)
White, "woke" . . . and "privileged" by James N. Watkins—Boyhood memories stir thoughts on racism and privilege today… (July 10, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (4) by Rusty Wright—"Amazing Grace" hymnwirter's racist past… (July 8, 2020)
Your Church May be Prejudiced by James N. Watkins—The top ten signs have not changed in twenty years… (June 26, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (3) by Rusty Wright—Starting with my own… (June 25, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts (2) by Rusty Wright—Police brutality: Lessons from South Africa… (June 19, 2020)
Changing Racists Hearts by Rusty Wright—Can it be done?… (June 15, 2020)
There are nearly 2,000 articles on SeniorLifestyle, going back to 2006. Go to the home page to see lists of current and most popular articles, or search through the entire collection.